Thursday, April 10, 2008

Day 10

Today was allright. I did 20 minutes on the bike in the morning, but could only get through 5 this evening, so I lifted weights for about 10 minutes. Cool. I also did lots and lots of running around for the salon (made 5 separate trips to Bartells for stuff, plus a couple other runs) because we had the Fashion show today.

Today's food:

Breakfast - Wallaby nonfat yogurt

lunch - wallaby nonfat yogurt, 2 oz of white cheddar Pirate Booty, 1/4 of an endangered species chocolate bar

dinner - california roll

Snack - some crackers, some carrots, and a glass of white wine at the fashion show

Not gonna try to keep track of calories on here. I'm gonna do that on my Fitday account.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Day 9

Yesterday was pretty Failtastic, and I didn't get any working out done and I also didn't really eat as well as I should've (actually, I didn't eat much. Thinking about it now, I don't think I did too bad.)

I signed up on and it's helping me track my calorie intake and my exercise - how many calories I'm burning working out and through daily activity. Neat!

Anyhow, today.

Did 15 minutes on the bike in the morning.

Breakfast - Naked Juice

Lunch - Wallaby Nonfat yogurt

Dinner - Azteca with Talbot. Really shouldn't have. Had a margarita too. And ya knw what? It was worth it.

Through the day I snacked on some peanutbutter covered pretzles and had another wallaby yogurt for desert (they're SO good, I could probably eat a couple every day.)

Did the bike for 35 minutes today! Go me!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Day 8

Today is an out-and-about day, so I'm hoping that I do ok. Will probably go out to lunch with Cody.

For breakfast - 2 organic poptarts (210 each) and 1 Naked juice (220) = 640

HOLY SHIT. So, since breakfast has taken up half of my daily allotment for calories, maybe I won't eat lunch. Lol. I had no idea how many I was consuming a day.....that's just with my "healthy" breakfast, man.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Day 7 - One Week!

It's been a week since I've had any HFCS - go me!

Didn't do my morning mile this morning because I had to be at work crazy early. I did well with my eating today, I think. And I went grocery shopping for the next few days, got all organic and natural stuff.

Breakfast - Bagel with cream cheese, cantaloupe, Naked juice

Lunch - Rice, organic poptart

Snack - Organic animal chocolate bar (which was suprisingly really good!)

Dinner - cheese & crackers, 365 Root Beer

Tomorrow I am going to start paying attention to calorie intake, since I realized that healthier doesn't really mean fewer calories, heh.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Day 6

Last night I felt like crap, and I'm thinking it's because I didn't do my 15 on the bike. Shit. I also didn't eat dinner. I'm sure that also didn't help.

I just did my morning mile, not sure what I'm going to have for breakfast. I'll figure it out when I get to Whole Foods. Maybe I'll get some watermelon and a croissant or something. Yes.

Working out on your period sucks, btw.

Breakfast: Naked juice, jalepeno cheddar scone
Lunch: Spinach dip, sourdough bread, canteloupe, All natural soda
Dinner: Subway sammich, peanut butter covered pretzles

Did 5 minutes in the morning on the bike, 15 at night.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Day 5

Got up early and almost didn't do my morning mile, but got slightly motivated and did it. I'm running behind today. Hope I'll have time to eat breakfast, but I'm not sure.

Breakfast : bagel w/ creme cheese, Naked juice, blood orange

Lunch: salad, two tacos, rice

Dinner: none

So today, I kind of failed. A little. Ok, a lot. There's nothing in the house that I want to eat, and the kitchen is disgusting and I don't want to be in there. I also got distracted when I got home (watching Michael Moore's Sicko) and didn't do my night workout. I had a very busy, stressful day at work, and have another busy, stressful day ahead of me tomorrow. I also have to go in earlier than I have the last two days, but I'm hoping to be able to get my morning mile in.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Day 4

Today'll be the big test - work. Where I know that my schedule will be irratic and while hopefully full, I need time to eat too.

I DID however wake up an hour earlier than I normally do on Friday so that I could be sure to have extra time to lie around and got my 10 minutes on the bike in :) Of course, now I'm slightly sweaty (again, gotta start somewhere) and have to go to work,

And for those not aware, I do edit this several times a day to update. So everything may not be in the correct tense, hah.

Not sure what I'm doing for breakfast yet. I'll figure it out, I'm sure. Maybe a fruit cup when I get to Whole Foods.

Edited to add: my start weight this morning was 182.8. Which is 3.2 pounds lighter than yesterday, WHILE wearing clothes (I weighed myself yesterday first thing after I went to the bathroom, and nude). I'm sure it's waterweight, I AM PMSing and fluctuating all over the place, but it was still encouraging.

Breakfast - half a grapefruit, some sourdough bread, a slice of cheese, Power-C Naked.

Lunch - cucumber roll, california toll

Snack - slice of cheese

Dinner - chicken breast that I marinated with too much vinegar. Wasabi soy sauce almonds. Sugar free popsicle.

I bought a lot of veggies and stuff for work, put them in a drawer, and forgot about them. Oops. I'll just eat them tomorrow.

Got home from work early because of two no-shows, which sucks. But I made really good tips today so I went to Target and got a yoga mat/block/dvd set, a pilates dvd, and a 3 lb. weight so I can work on my arms a little bit. I feel kind of pitiful having to start at 3lbs, but the 5 lb one hurt my arms.